Saturday, September 6, 2008

Leaders in Nutritional Kicks

Hello, we are LiNK for Lita, Noe and Kelli expanding our reach virtually to you all. On this blog we intend to share updates on the classes, share recipes, share exercise tips, discuss weight loss programs, and have fun being virtually connected.

We completed our first class on Tuesday at the Salt Lake cabana with seasoned and new Challengers. This session runs from September to the second week of October. We are still accepting Challengers until September 9. Share our challenge with your friends and family that are interested in living a healthier lifestyle.

Kelli has relocated to Arlington, VA and works for a computer company in Washington, DC. She made it through her first week in that numb jet lag state and is acclimating well. Her new exercise routine is increased walking, to and from the bus and Metro and walking in the neighborhood, averaging six miles per day.

Again, welcome to our blog and feel free to comment on any of our posts. We love to hear from you.


TJ said...

Kelli: Congratulations on your relocation- a move half way across the world. We'll miss you.

Noe: How was the hike? I'd love to join you next time when the weather is cooler.

Take Care folks!

Unknown said...

tj, you are the first to make a comment. I appreciate the well wishes and I do miss everyone. I've called or emailed you all to stay in touch and most of you have contacted me back. No worries, I am persistent so if I haven't heard from you...I will call or email again. LOL

Noe told me about her hike with Devon today. I bet they each have stories to share with you all.


Noe said...

Ok, I've just discovered 'comments.'

Please fill me in on who tj is.

tj, please see the recent post on the walk/jog coming up on Monday, 10/6. Wanna join? Noe